fotomoment - photography to remember

        h o m e p o r t r a i t s y o u r ‧ s h o o t p r i c e s a b o u t ‧ u s

'Us' is basically Marielou Linklater a photographer of over 20 years London advertising and editorial

experience, and with a background as art director of Good Housekeeping magazine and launch art

director of Country Living, aided and abetted as necessary by a team of expert stylists and assistants.

Marielou's photography has a stylish informality and her use of daylight in preference to studio lights

gives her images a fresh, reportage look, which works equally well in colour or black and white. She is

not a high street photographer!

To discuss the possibility of commissioning your own photoshoot ring Marielou on 07860 436668 or
